Cancel or Freeze Membership

If you have an emergency or another circumstance we have options.
Freezing Your Account:
Freezing your account incurs a 10.00/month. The advantage is that you avoid repaying the sign up fee when you return.
You must complete the form below in order to update your account. Make sure to select that you want to Freeze your account.

Please submit this form within a 30 DAY notice prior to your next billing date in order for the for the freeze to be active.

For more information refer to your fitness service agreement found in your shape2tone folder.

Canceling Your Account:

You must complete the form below in order to update your account. Make sure to select that you want to Cancel your account.

Please submit this form within a 30 DAY notice prior to your next billing date in order for the cancellation to be effective. The early cancellation fee is $250 or 50% of the remaining balance, whichever is greater.
For more information refer to your fitness service agreement found in your shape2tone folder.

There are no refunds on any sessions past the 3rd business day of midnight upon signing your fitness agreement. For more information refer to your fitness service agreement found in your shape2tone folder.

The below name is for the membership that will be canceled. If you would like to cancel more than one person on your membership, a form is required for each person. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address below, once your form is received.  If you have any further questions about your service agreement call Paramount at 800-748-4949.